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Fashion-Lifestyle-Opinions by Penē Xis

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It is not to be looked down upon....

I come from a family where a career in fashion is looked down upon , but it is hard to explain to all those people that it is not only about wearing fancy,  short  and revealing stuff , it is about the art of expression through illustration , the creativity involved and the history behind the form of creativity, the roots from which an inspiration is taken and applied to create a masterpiece that satisfies the desire of the creator. New age designers take so much effort to find a motivation deep down to the roots and produce an attire that expresses their motivations and personal creative craftsmanship.

The superficial marketing of fashion may not be very appealing to the academic or the conserved strata of the society hence the  way in which fashion is approached accross the world should be changed.

Garments and attires have been studied in ancient history for years. Each civilization saw the use of different raw materials and rich culture and also everyday science to create their apparels. Various types of emblishments were used according to their availability.

The clothes that we wear today are a much evolved form of what must have been the earliest forms of wearable items. Creative Recreation and Inspired application of this rich culture from every corner of the world is what some designers try to do and this is worth noting for everyone.

Thank You so much to take some time out to read my blog. I hope you are as inspired by our roots as I am.
I will be back with more.....stay tuned!!!
Please do follow my blog right here and also follow me on twitter @TheKindredWorld
Stay Safe!!!!
PS : Inspirations come in flashes in a fraction of a second, never miss them

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  • Pene Xis
'The beauty of a woman is not in the clothes she wears, the figure that she carries, or the way she combs her hair. The beauty of a woman is seen in her eyes, because that is the doorway to her heart, the place where love resides. True beauty in a woman is reflected in her soul. It’s the caring that she lovingly gives, the passion that she shows and the beauty of a woman only grows with passing years.' - Audrey Hepburn